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Invacare Birdie Lifter – alert for the correct assembly of the Pipe pin that holds the arm’s actuator

Date: 13.09.2016 Invacare Ref: 462674 MHRA Ref: 2016/008/031/291/012 Important Safety Information: In the interests of the safety of our customers, we would like to bring to your attention to the correct assembly of the D-Clip that connects the actuator to the Invacare Birdie lifter’s arm. As a result of some vigilance cases where the actuator’s D-Clip becomes damaged and the lifter arm falls down, we become aware that if the D-Clip is always placed backwards and pointing down towards the actuator, it can start to become damaged after a number of cycles – picture below. However, – The bending (damage) of D-Clip only happens if it is touching the actuator backwards and at its maximum height; – After the first cycle, the D-Clip is not touching the actuator anymore (unless manually pushed); – The complete Clevis Pin doesn’t detach immediately from the actuator, when the D-Clip becomes damaged – the pin stays in the arm’s plates that hold the actuator; – Only over 140Kg it starts to bend severely.

Manufacturer contacts

Technical Services Department
Invacare Limited
Pencoed Technology Park
CF35 5AQ
Telephone: 01656 776 222
